Derbyshire Surname Interests: [A to E] [F to K] [L to R] [S to Z] |
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- FAWK South Wingfield & Wirksworth area, Anytime Rob Hickman
- FERRAND, Elizabeth Chesterfield - 1678-1757 Ellen Stevenson
- FLINT Wirksworth - m 1763 Sue Holloway
- FOULK South Wingfield & Wirksworth area, Anytime Rob Hickman
- FOWK South Wingfield & Wirksworth area, Anytime Rob Hickman
- FOWK Wirksworth - m 1746 Sue Holloway
- GEORGE, Margaret Hannah Chesterfield - 1879-1935 Ellen Stevenson
- GODBER Any place/ Any time Malcolm Godber is doing a One Name Study
- GOODWIN - South Derbyshire ... See Blanche Charles� web site
- GRATTEN Wirksworth - b 1812 Sue Holloway
- GRUNDY Stanton by dale, Spondon, Ockbrook, Somercotes <All Dates> Christine Grundy
- HADIKIN Wirksworth - m 1849 Sue Holloway
- HALL Spondon, Somercotes <All Dates> Christine Grundy
- HALLWORTH Wirksworth - m 1764 Sue Holloway
- HAUXSLEY Handley & Clay Cross area / South Wingfield area - Any date Ted Stevenson
- HANCOCK Pinxton & area, from 1880�s Margaret Byard
- HANDLEY South Normanton, Anytime Rob Hickman
- HANDLEY Wirksworth - m 1769 Sue Holloway
- HARVEY, William b. abt 1833, Newhall Patricia Howell
- HUNT, Emma b. abt 1836, Tickenhall Patricia Howell
- HAWKSLEY Handley & Clay Cross area / South Wingfield area - Any date Ted Stevenson
- HAWKESLEY Handley & Clay Cross area / South Wingfield area - Any date Ted Stevenson
- HAWLEY Kirk Hallam, Horsley, Shirland 1750-1850 Viv Hawley
- HAY Wirksworth - m 1737 Sue Holloway
- HEATH Chesterfield area - 1700 & 1800�s Geoff Lowe
- HILL Wingerworth/ Melton Mowbray - b 1767 Sue Holloway
- HOLLEMOULD Pinxton & South Normanton, 1750 - 1900 Libby Duffield
- HOSKISS Wirksworth - m 1796 Sue Holloway
- HOWARD South Wingfield, Alfreton & Ilkeston areas after 1881 Margaret Byard
- JOHNSON, Ann Duckmanton - 1743 - 1789 Ellen Stevenson
- KEY Joseph & George (boatmen) Crich area from 1800 Lesley Forrest
- KIRK Wirksworth - m 1839 Sue Holloway
- KIRKLAND Muggington 1747 - 1820 Hilary Thomas
- KISBY Any Place, Any Time - Kisby One Name Study
- KNOWLES Pinxton Bef 1860 Margaret Byard
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